Egypt Trains

The trains in Egypt are all run by Egyptian National Railways, a state-owned and -run company. Train tickets can be bought at most major railway stations' booking offices once you are in Egypt, (although a great deal of patience is often required...) Ramses Station in Cairo has several booking windows, for example, one for each class and group of destinations, so be sure to check with locals (usually very helpful) that you are joining the right queue. Train tickets can be paid for in Egyptian currency, except for the deluxe Abela Egypt sleeper which must be paid in foreign currency (dollars, euros or pounds sterling). An alternative to self-booking, if you don't mind paying a little commission to avoid the inevitable hassle and frustration, is to a local travel agent to buy tickets on your behalf (preferably at least the day before you intend to travel).

For train reservation you can contact Deluxe Travel Egypt at


didn't knew that they have their own railroads!! glad to know about it, It makes me think that it's not the end

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