Weather in Egypt

Egypt has a moderate climate all through the year. In summer the weather is hot and dry and in winter it is mild and dry. Rainfall is confined to few days in the year all through Egypt. If you are traveling between March and May you might encounter the Khamaseen “literally the fifties” wind which blows from the south and carries dust particles that cause temperature to raise to 100°F (38°C) in the desert.

Temperature averages between 80 and 90°F (27 - 32°C) in summer and between 55 and 70°F (13 to 21°C) in winter. However, on the Red sea coast and southern Egypt temperature is a little higher to reach 109°F (42°C) in summer.


Thanks for your post. It is really high content and informative post. It is rich in information.
albina N muro said…
Egypt has a moderate climate all through the year. In summer the weather is hot and dry and in winter it is mild and dry. singles holidays

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